February 20, 1905 Monday

February 20 Monday – At 21 Fifth Ave. in N.Y.C. Sam wrote to John Y. MacAlister.

I wish I could see my way to allowing my Plasmon-testimony to be used & circulated by the English Co., but I cannot conscientiously do it. When I contributed it here, I limited its use to America where I had no pecuniary interest in the experimenting syndicate. When the American Co. was afterward formed & I became a stockholder, & the Co began to use my testimony, I stopped it. I am a stockholder in the English Co. To print that fact along with the testimony would neutralize the latter & make me feel uncomfortable besides, & to print the testimony without that addition would not be fair.

I am glad to have your Butters-remembrances. My lawyer is making his arrangements. We think we have a pretty strong case.

I’ll write on those fly-sheets now, & my secretary will post them to you to-day.Mark Twain

I am still in bed, but could turn out if I wanted to. In bed, I can work; out of it I should be a prey to interruptions [MTP].

Isabel Lyon’s Journal #2: “Mr. Clemens read King Leopold’s Soliloquy to Mrs. Crane, Jean & me. / This evening Mr. Clemens began the reading of a Joan of Arc play by Mr. Geo. Porter,” The Maid, A Drama in Five Acts (1904) [MTP TS 5; Gribben 554].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.