February 14, 1905 Tuesday

February 14 Tuesday – Harold J. Howland for The Outlook wrote to Sam, asking him to autograph one of the proofs of his photo [MTP]. Note: see also entries for Dec. 3, 1904, Feb. 21, and Feb. 26, 1905.

George H. Daniels for the Lotos Club sent a form letter invite to Sam for a club dinner on Feb. 25, 6:30 p.m. for Sir Caspar Purdon Clarke, “who has recently been elected Director General of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.” The dinner was a pricey $4.50 (without wine) [MTP]. Note: Lyon’s journal of Feb. 26 disclosed that Clemens went to Mr. De Forest’s house to meet Clarke on Feb. 26, so evidently he did not attend this Lotos Club dinner of the 25 .

Odoardo Luchini wrote to Sam, reporting that “the trial goes on very well,” but was delayed due to the judge being able to give audience more than once a week. All of the witnesses for Countess Massiglia had been heard. He gave more details and put a PS that his daughter wanted Sam’s exact address to return his copy of Maeterlinck’s book Monna Vanna [MTP]. See Gribben 446.

J.H. Tobin for Austin Book & Publishing Co., Austin, Tex. wrote to Sam asking how to procure copies of his stories, “Nevada Funeral,” and “Jim Baker’s Jay Bird Story.” Sam wrote in pencil that the first was in RI, the second was “Beginning of a” TA [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.