• M. Barrett (dress maker), 499
  • M. Kenny (Hartford merchant), 494
  • M. Nott (Hartford merchant), 522, 525, 526
  • M.J. Paillard & Co., NYC, 886
  • M.U., 1190
  • Mac Gibbon, Robert Davidson, 1039
  • Mac Iver, D.&C., 835
  • MacAlister, John Y., 810
  • MacCrellish, Frederick, 241, 243, 304, 306, 1199
  • MacDonald, George, 517, 544, 549, 564, 565, 567, 571, 593, 914, 1108, 1113, 1142, 1152, 1159, 1223
    • Back of the North Wind, 1114
    • Robert Falconer, 417
    • Suggested collaboration with Sam, 1146
  • MacDonald, James A.W., 1318
  • MacDonald, Louisa P. (Mrs. George MacDonald), 544, 549, 564
  • Macdonough, August Rodney, 955
  • Macfarlane, 47
  • Macfarlane, Henry, 204, 214
  • Mack, Mrs., 542
  • Mackay, Charles, 1343
  • Mackay, John (also Mackey), 689, 693, 979
  • Mackay, T.J., 693
  • MacKaye, James Morrison Steele, 618, 923, 1160
  • Mackenzie, H., 1303
  • Mackenzie, Robert Shelton, 420, 610
  • MacKinnon Pen Co., 945
  • MacNeil, Miss, 1162
  • MacNeill, D.G., 1216
  • Macon, Ga. Telegraph and Messenger, 648
  • Mad World, A (play) by Jane W. Bruner, 1069
  • Madame Dephine (1881) by Geo. Cable, 1153
  • Madarasz, Ladislaus W., 645, 647
  • Madison Square Theatre, 923, 1157
  • Madison,Wisc., 1291
  • Maerklein, Edmund, 943
  • Magdalen College, Oxford, 507, 613, 614
  • Magdalena Bay, Ca., 235
  • Magnetic Rock Spring Co., 1174
  • Magnus, Julian, 1200
  • Maguire, Thomas, 188, 224
  • Maguire’s Dramatic Troupe, 143
  • Maguire’s New Theatre, Marysville, 225
  • Maguire’s Opera House, S.F., 160
  • Maguire’s Opera House, Va. City, 133, 144, 153, 156, 228
  • Mahin, John, 34
  • Mahomet by Washington Irving, 1074
  • Main, John (judge), 1339
  • Malaga, 280
  • Malaria, 3, 936, 1114
  • Malden, Mass., 467
  • Mallory brothers, 1099, 1100, 1102, 1151, 1155, 1157, 1180, 1181, 1183, 1198, 1202, 1207, 1209
    • Reputation, 1160
  • Mallory, George S., 1180
  • Mallory, Marshall H., 1102, 1149, 1160, 1179, 1180, 1198, 1201, 1203, 1204, 1209, 1210, 1212, 1223, 1224, 1308
  • Maloy, Daniel (gardener), 1164
  • Malta, 280
  • Manchester, England, 540
  • Manchester, N.H., 468
  • Manhattan, The, 1181
  • Mannheim, 813, 814, 815
  • Mansfield, James Vincent (spiritualist), 484
  • Mansury & Smith, Carriage Mfgr., 519, 571, 596
  • Mar Saba, 278
  • Marble Palace, New York, 31
  • Marble Palace, Stewart’s, 255
  • Marchmont, George Farquhar, 1311
  • Marcotte of New York, 756
  • Mardi Gras, 63
  • Marion Rangers, 80, 81, 701, 753
  • Marion, J.T. (General), 1362
  • Marjorie Daw by Thomas Bailey Aldrich, 861
  • Mark Twain by Henri Gauthier, 1194
  • Mark Twain Club, 643, 705, 708, 886, 1005, 1310
  • Mark Twain Literary Union, 1253
  • Mark Twain’s Adhesive Scrap-Book, 698
  • Mark Twain’s Library of American Humor. See Library of Humor
  • MARK TWAIN’S MEMORANDA, 408, 411, 413, 416, 418, 422, 429, 435, 440, 449
  • Mark Twain’s Sketches, New and Old, 140, 186, 231, 376, 542, 576, 613, 629, 644, 662, 666, 667, 668, 674, 675, 676, 680
  • Mark Twain’s Sketches. Number One, 518, 576, 580, 581, 586, 587, 592
  • Market Hall, St. Paul, 1292
  • Markham, Richard, 1276
  • Markiss, 205
  • Marlette (“stranger”), 212
  • Marmadale’s, Mrs. boarding house, 51
  • Marquis of Lorne. See Campbell, John D.S.
  • Marryat, Frederick, 836
  • Marseilles, France, 261, 262, 263, 298
  • Marsh, Andrew J., 108, 115, 202
  • Marsh, Edward L., 464, 717
  • Marsh, Francis A., 932
  • Marsh, Fred, 421
  • Marsh, George N., 1011, 1021, 1067, 1106, 1108, 1154
  • Marsh, Grant, 68, 1007
  • Marsh, Othniel Charles, 648, 654
  • Marsh, T.C., 793, 799
  • Marsh, W.H., 717
  • Marsh’s Juvenile Comedians, 148
  • Marshall, Charles Franklin, 1123
  • Marshall, Clara, Miss, 642
  • Marshall, John (Chief Justice), 1
  • Marshall, Mich., 339
  • Marshall, Oscar, 1314
  • Martigny, Switzerland, 829, 830
  • Martin, C.A., 1392
  • Martin, Daniel, 153, 208
  • Martin, Edward S., 1131
  • Martin, George A., 362
  • Martin, James, 642
  • Martin, Joseph, Dr., 46
  • Martineau, Harriet, 793
  • Martino Troupe, 722
  • Maryland Institute, Baltimore, 483
  • Marysville Daily Appeal, 113, 116, 125, 184
  • Marysville Herald, 369
  • Marysville, Ca., 225, 231, 307
  • Mason family, 327
  • Mason, Jerry, 48
  • Masonic College, Hannibal, 13
  • Masonic Lodge, Polar Star, 74, 78, 81, 82, 248, 249, 278, 279, 375
  • Massachusetts Infant Asylum, 669
  • Massachusetts Press Assoc. Dinner, 575
  • Massachusetts Press Association, 747
  • Massett, Stephen C. (Jeems Pipes), 369, 399, 967, 968, 971, 1017, 1018, 1198, 1240
  • Mathers, H.B.. See Mathews, Helen
  • Mathews, George Brewster, 360
  • Mathews, Helen Buckingham, 930
  • Matt H. Hewins (Hartford merchant), 989, 1155
  • Matterhorn, 827, 828, 829
  • Matthews, Brander, 1144, 1149, 1156, 1216, 1295, 1313, 1317, 1387, 1388
    • Reviewed HF, 1295
  • Matthews, George Brewster, 363
  • Mattoon, Ill., 475
  • Maui, 205, 207, 208, 217, 227
  • Mauna Kea, 213
  • May, W.A., 900
  • Mayer, G.K., 836
  • Mayer, G.K. & wife (in Bellagio), 833
  • Mayer, William, 836
  • Maynard, Sarah D., 316
  • Mayo, Frank, 488, 588, 979, 1149
  • Mazeppa (play), 152, 153, 189
  • McAleer, Patrick, 575, 590, 657, 875, 923, 957, 968, 1095, 1116
    • Put out fire, 400
  • McBride, James, 209
  • McCarthy, Denis E., 112, 126, 140, 145, 225, 227, 229, 230, 309, 531, 807, 808, 979, 1038
  • McCarthy, John McK., 1208
  • McClellan, George B., 167
  • McCloud, Richard (atty.), 694
  • McClure, Samuel S., 1253
  • McComb, John, 193, 241, 243, 257, 304, 394, 526, 531, 570, 1199
  • McCook, Edward M. (General), 208, 216, 287, 289, 1033, 1041
  • McCord (Captain), 1104
  • McCorkle, Judge, 303
  • McCormick, Wales R., 16, 1292, 1298
  • McCrary, George W., 749
  • McCullough, John, 1190
  • McDaniel, James W. (Jimmy), 5, 20, 875, 1324
  • McDermott, Hugh F., 721
  • McDonald, Allen B., 1147
  • McDonald, George, 1226
  • McDowell’s Cave, 5
  • McElhinney, Jane. See Clare, Ada
  • McElroy, Mr., 578
  • McFarland (typesetter), 47
  • McFarland, James, 9
  • McGinley’s dining saloon, Pittsburg, Pa., 376
  • McGlural, Smiggy, 168
  • McGrew, William K. (Smiggy McGlural), 169
  • McGuinn, Warner T., 1393, 1395
  • McHenry, C.H., 1135
  • McIntosh, E.S., 1370
  • McIntosh, Fred, 656
  • McJilton, W.D., 667
  • McKinley, L., 1352
  • McKinney, Owen S., 590, 612, 613, 615
  • McKinstry, Willard, 439
  • McLaughlin, Maria (wetnurse), 641, 683
  • McLean, Sarah Pratt, 1034, 1040
    • Cape Cod Folks, 1039
  • McMurry, Thomas P. (Pet), 16, 498, 535, 1292
  • McNary & Co. (Hartford druggist), 496, 527, 925
  • McPherson, John A., 760
  • McWilliams, Esther (Mrs. John J. McWilliams), 361
  • McWilliams, John J., 361, 365, 366, 398
  • Mead, A.H., 708, 709, 710
  • Mead, F.E., 624
  • Mead, Larkin Goldsmith, 618
  • Mead, Leon, 854, 1166
  • Mead, Marietta Di Benvenuti (Mrs. Larkin Mead), 618
  • Mead, William Rutherford, 834
  • Mead’s Hall, Lansing Mich., 328
  • Meade & Graham, 1099, 1103
  • Meadow Lake, Nevada, 202, 227
  • Measles, 104, 456, 913, 965, 1199
  • Measles epidemic 1844, 10
  • Mechanic’s Hall, Boston, 468
  • Mechanics Hall, Worcester, 468
  • Medbery, James K., 381
  • Meestenmacher, Margaret, 1185
  • Meeting of Americans, London, 542
  • Melbourne, Australia Argus, 588
  • Meline, James Florant, 453
  • Melrose, Mass., 1256
  • Melrose, Scotland, 546
  • Memoirs and Letters (1874) by Sara Coleridge, 926
  • Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (1841) by Chas. Mackay, 1343
  • Memoirs of Madame de Remusat, 1802-1808 (1880), 892
  • Memorial and Biographical Sketches (1878) by James Clarke, 926
  • Memphis Daily Appeal, 62, 355
  • Memphis Exchange, 58, 59
  • Memphis Ledger, 1078
  • Memphis, Tenn., 49, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66, 75, 80, 354, 411, 621, 734, 1076, 1077, 1083
  • Men of the Time by Routledge, 875
  • Menard, Ill., 1076
  • Menken, Adah Isaacs, 139, 140, 152, 153, 154
  • Menken, Alexander Isaacs, 152
  • Menzies, Mr., 545
  • Mephis Avalanche, 312
  • Mercantile Library Association, Pittsburg, Pa., 376
  • Mercantile Library Benefit, N.Y., 483
  • Mercantile Library Hall, St. Louis, 245, 1286
  • Mercantile Library, Brooklyn, 522
  • Meredith & McCullough, 13
  • Meredith, Charles, 20
  • Meredith, Hugh, Dr., 1, 2, 12, 153
  • Meredith, John D., 20, 81
  • Meritt, John C., 749
  • Merrill, Elizabeth G. (Mrs. Francis Millet), 850
  • Merrill, Frank T., 1005
  • Merrill, George S., 747
  • Merrill, George V.R., Dr., 471, 472
  • Merrill, Pauline St Armont, 752
  • Merritt, John C., 748
  • Merry Adventures of Robin Hood, The (1883) by Howard Pyle, 1191
  • Mesmerizing. See Hypnosis
  • Messersmith, Thomas, 104
  • Messina, Italy, 268
  • Messina, Louise, 1029
  • Messina, Straits of, 268
  • Metcalf, John T., 418
  • Methodist Episcopal Church, Oakland Ca., 306
  • Methodist Episcopal Church, Ottawa, Ill., 334
  • Metropolitan Hall, Iowa City, Iowa, 337
  • Metropolitan Hotel, N.Y., 240, 241, 249, 326, 433
  • Metropolitan Hotel, St. Paul, 1087
  • Metropolitan Theatre, Sacramento, 225
  • Metropolitan, Indianapolis, 331
  • Mettenheimer, H.J., 778
  • Metzerott Hall, 293
  • Metzger, E., 925
  • Mexican Mine, 133, 293
  • Mexican War, 16, 17
    • Hannibal torchlight parade, 14
  • Mexico, 169
  • Meyer, Grace, 1131
  • Mezzofanti, Guiseppe, 840
  • Micawber, W. Wilkins (pseudonym), 1181
  • Michaelangelo, 266
  • Michels, John, 1147
  • Michigan Avenue Baptist Church, Chicago, 474
  • Michigan Woman Suffrage Association, 490
  • Middlesex Club, Boston, 944
  • Middletown, Conn. Constitution, 685
  • Midnight Mission, N.Y., 250
  • Mifflin, George Harrison, 624
  • Mighels, Henry R., 227
  • Milan, Italy, 264, 266, 275, 332, 832, 833, 840
  • Milford, Mass., 467
  • Millais family, 865
  • Millais, John Everett, 540, 865, 1048
  • Milleain, John, 309
  • Miller & Bingham & Elder Manufacturing Co., 1182
  • Miller, Cincinnatus Hiner. See Miller, Joaquin
  • Miller, Jahu Dewitt, 621, 882
  • Miller, Joaquin, 538, 539, 541, 542, 543, 556, 657, 685, 703, 772, 1324
  • Miller, Joe, 205
  • Miller, Mary, 11
  • Miller, R., 794
  • Miller, William (Millerites), 11
  • Millerite sect, 11
  • Milleson, Royal Hill, 642
  • Millet family, 895
  • Millet, Asa, Dr., 792
  • Millet, Elizabeth M. (Mrs. Francis Millet), 1012, 1216
  • Millet, Francis Davis, 738, 745, 746, 748, 762, 772, 782, 815, 849, 850, 853, 855, 862, 894, 977, 1144, 1149, 1215
  • Millian, Jean. See Milleain, John aka
  • Milliken, Walter L., 910
  • Mills, Charley, 81
  • Mills, John Harrison, 361
  • Milnes, Richard M.. See Houghton, Baron
  • Milton, Pa., 482
  • Milwaukee Evening Wisconsin, 1294
  • Milwaukee Journal, 316
  • Milwaukee Sentinel
    • Reviewed Twins of Genius, 1293
  • Milwaukee, Wisc., 1293
  • Mining and Scientific Press, 119, 133
  • Minna Street Methodist Church, S.F., 188
  • Minneapolis Pioneer Press, 1087
  • Minneapolis Press Club, 1225
  • Minneapolis Tribune, 1293
    • Reviewed Twins of Genius, 1292
  • Minneapolis, Minn., 1292
  • Minor, W., 1338, 1340
  • Minorca, Spain, 261
  • Minstrels, San Francisco, 250
  • Miscegenation, 156, 227
  • Missouri Courier, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22
  • Missouri disaster, 515
  • Missouri Republican, 62, 72, 246, 1085
  • Missouri River, 52, 201
  • Missouri State Journal, 81
  • Missouri State Medical Assoc., 1086
  • Missouri Swamp Fox. See Thompson, Meriwether, Jeff
  • Missouri Wheel Co., 1234
  • Mitchell & Kinzler, 1099
  • Mitchell, Josiah (Captain of Hornet), 216
  • Mitchell, Vance & Co. (N.Y. merchant), 590
  • Mitchell-Innes family
    • Mantelpiece from, 545
  • Mitivier, M.M., 1049
  • Mitre Tavern, London, 504
  • Mitsukuri, Kakichi, 691
  • Modest Club, The, 916, 917
  • Modjesky, Helena, 1216
  • Modoc Indians, 556
  • Moffat, John (photographer in Scotland), 546
  • Moffett children, 244
  • Moffett family, 80, 602
  • Moffett, Annie, 3, 7, 25, 69, 154, 181, 378, 384, 392, 400, 407, 413, 460, 493, 516, 522, 572, 626, 629, 630, 643, 650, 664, 970, 976, 1093. See also Webster, Annie
  • Moffett, Pamela, 1, 4, 14, 20, 23, 25, 30, 33, 34, 35, 44, 49, 57, 63, 73, 74, 79, 86, 88, 95, 111, 123, 127, 130, 131, 133, 135, 136, 147, 150, 153, 154, 156, 169, 181, 195, 201, 204, 207, 214, 217, 220, 228, 244, 245, 292, 293, 294, 295, 297, 325, 326, 328, 337, 349, 354, 355, 365, 378, 386, 391, 392, 393, 403, 404, 406, 409, 410, 413, 414, 415, 416, 440, 456, 497, 514, 522, 534, 546, 548, 574, 582, 603, 606, 607, 609, 650, 660, 662, 664, 679, 712, 733, 742, 746, 749, 808, 820, 848, 852, 858, 869, 881, 884, 894, 898, 900, 906, 909, 915, 929, 946, 951, 952, 956, 963, 969, 970, 972, 976, 981, 989, 1013, 1041, 1063, 1071, 1093, 1104, 1108, 1109, 1113, 1122, 1123, 1127, 1128, 1132, 1154, 1191, 1280, 1323, 1336, 1338, 1340, 1343, 1348, 1387
  • Moffett, Samuel E., 74, 181, 228, 279, 413, 453, 456, 457, 497, 511, 514, 520, 603, 604, 606, 607, 609, 610, 646, 679, 746, 747, 808, 815, 820, 848, 852, 857, 858, 889, 900, 951, 969, 1106, 1128, 1191, 1343, 1347, 1350, 1355
    • Birth of, 73
  • Moffett, Sidney, 442, 574
  • Moffett, William A., 23, 25, 49, 50, 59, 60, 73, 95, 181
  • Mogridge, George, 785
  • Molokai, 248
  • Monday Evening Club, 526, 529, 563, 636, 683, 685, 694, 751, 796, 803, 905, 956, 1031, 1041, 1043, 1122, 1137, 1138, 1142, 1202, 1218, 1223, 1389
    • badges, 926
  • Monitor mining claim, 108
  • Monk, Hank, 136, 144, 230, 460
  • Monkeypod tree, 211
  • Monmouth, Ill., 333
  • Monroe & Co., Paris, 848
  • Monroe County (Mo.) Appeal, 1001
  • Monroe, Mich., 31
  • Monsieur Guizot in Private Life (1881) by Eliz. Witt, 961
  • Mont Blanc (Fr./Italy), 831
  • Montana, 199, 201, 202, 639
  • Montgomery, Edwin W., 1047
  • Montgomery, I.J., 708
  • Montgomery, Joseph Edward (Captain), 54, 55, 69, 193, 197
  • Montgomery, Sam, 95, 104
  • Monti, Luigi, 1060
  • Montmartre, Paris, 849, 850
  • Montowese House, Branford, 994, 996, 999, 1003
  • Montreal Evening Star, 1305
  • Montreal Gazette, 1034
  • Montreal Snow Shoe Club, 1257
  • Montreal, Canada, 571, 574, 740, 763, 1032, 1033, 1034, 1035, 1036, 1037, 1040, 1053, 1159, 1161, 1162, 1163, 1178, 1190, 1303, 1304
  • Moody, Lucius, 261
  • Moore, C.C., Dr., 900
  • Moore, Dr., 1091
  • Moore, John Murray, Dr., 571
  • Moore, John T. (Tom), 66, 78
  • Moore, Thomas
    • Those Evening Bells (parodied), 629
  • Moore, Tom, 1081
  • Moore, Weeks & Co. (Hartford merchant), 500, 508, 516
  • Moorhouse, Stephen Percival, 641
  • Moran, Benjamin, 542
  • Moran, George H., 1130
  • Moravian Day School Hall, 465
  • Morayshire Club, 559, 562
  • Morelli’s Restaurant, N.Y., 1322, 1326
  • Morgan, E.T., Miss, 994, 995, 1228
  • Morgan, George H., 1131
  • Morgan, J. Pierpont, 1132, 1136
  • Morgan, John Hunt (Gen.), 998
  • Morgan, Mr., 1105
  • Morgan, Pollie B., 971, 1058
  • Morgan, R.C. (Col.), 998, 999
  • Morgan, Sallie B., 1058
  • Morier, James Justinian
    • The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan, 537
  • Mormons, 29, 156
  • Morrin, Samuel, 571, 574
  • Morris, Irma Evans, 173
  • Morris, John, 331, 470
  • Morris, R.R., 981
  • Morris, William Gouverneur, 529
  • Morristown, N.J., 500, 516, 517, 602, 1261, 1262, 1263
  • Morse, Edward S., 619
  • Mortimer, F.W., 645
  • Mortimer, Franklyn H., 968
  • Morton House, Grand Rapids, 1271
  • Morton, Thomas, 122
  • Mosque of Omar, 277
  • Moss Engineering Co., 1092, 1093
  • Moss, Neil, 130
  • Mother Goose, 882, 884
  • Motley, John Lothrop, 541, 542
    • Rise of the Dutch Nation, The, 757
  • Mouland family, 537
  • Mouland, John E. (Captain), 513, 514, 522, 523, 524, 527, 531, 533, 535, 537, 555, 924
  • Moulton, Francis D., 649
  • Moulton, Julius, 257, 260, 274, 280, 310, 315
  • Moulton, Louise Chandler, 492, 495, 574, 612, 613, 614, 629
  • Mount Morris Bank, 1074
  • Mount Vernon, N.Y., 385
  • Mowatt book, 956
  • Mozoomdar, Protap Chunder, 1183
  • Mrs. Beauchamp Brown (1880) by Jane Austen, 914
  • Mt. Carmel, 275
  • Mt. Holyoke, Mass., 501
  • Mt. McGregor, N.Y., 1340, 1342, 1343, 1344, 1345
  • Mt. Onteora, N.Y., 1361, 1362
  • Mt. Sinai Hospital, N.Y., 677
  • Muchall, E., 985
  • Mugwumps, 1250, 1251, 1254, 1255, 1344, 1367
  • Mulford, Prentice (Dogberry), 557, 558, 559, 633, 642, 772, 778, 925
  • Muller, Freidrich Max, 844
  • Munich, Germany, 814, 821, 826, 830, 838, 839, 840, 841, 842, 843, 844, 845, 846, 847, 848
  • Munn & Co., 1017, 1174, 1280
  • Munro, Bruce W., 1016, 1021, 1023, 1093
  • Munro, John, 888, 889
  • Munroe & Co., Paris, 410, 850, 857, 859, 862
  • Murfree, Mary N., 1333
  • Murphy (editor?), 108
  • Murphy O’Mulligan Club, 891
  • Murphy, Dan, 192
  • Murphy, John J., 249, 353, 356
  • Murphy, Margret, Mrs., 86
  • Murphy, Mary (Marysville, Ca. named for), 225
  • Murray, Thomas H., 57, 914, 915
  • Murray, William, 1042
  • Muscatine Journal, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 1087
  • Muscatine Tri-Weekly Journal, 39, 40
  • Muscatine, Iowa, 34, 37, 38, 1086
  • Museum of the Patent Office, 36
  • Music Hall, Boston, 378, 467, 1257
  • Music Hall, Dayton, Ohio, 479
  • Music Hall, New Haven, Conn., 387
  • Music Hall, Orange, N.J., 1255
  • Music Hall, Troy N.Y., 1266
  • Musical Reivew & Choral Advocate (monthly 1850-73), 32
  • Muskegon, Mich., 1271
  • Mutineers of the Bounty, The by Jules Verne, 591
  • Muzzy, Wallace W., 978, 984, 1103, 1247
  • My Summer in a Garden by C.D. Warner, 435
  • Mystic Krewe of Comus, 64
  • Myths of the Rhine, The by X.B. Saintine, 1276
  • Mytilene, Greece, 273