June 28, 1905 Wednesday

June 28 Wednesday – In Dublin, N.H. Sam wrote to H.H. Rogers.

This is a line to say there’s a report in Norfolk, Conn. (which we are doing what we can to keep out of the papers) that Clara’s horse has been running away with her. It isn’t so. It was her horse, but she wasn’t in the carriage.

Jean & I expect to go see Clara in a few days—as soon as we get a permit from the doctor, which may come any day now. It is pretty cold weather here, but we don’t mind it.

With warm regards to both of you [MTHHR 587-8].

Isabel Lyon’s journal: Today Jean and I lunched with Mrs. Thayer and Mary and Gladys and Barry Faulkner. It was a delight, especially as Mr. Faulkner and I taked a monstrous much, there was ever so much to say about Mr. Binner [sic Bynner]. Some enemy has called him “Two yards of Ribbon” and Mrs. Zoe Norris—I cannot find the literary flavor that she thinks she has, in what she writes. Mary Thayer and I walked around to the Monadnock P.O. and she told me a little of her life and also of her enthusiasm for Tolstoi and Turgenieff’s. Again I saw Gladys’s lovely flower studies, Oh, they are such a rare family—splendid! [MTP TS 70].

Isabel Lyon’s journal # 2: “Mr. Clemens sent word. Today that he would await Mr. Larkin’s decision about sending the rent check to Mr. Renwick” [MTP TS 22].

J.W.P. Bunning of Hewes & Potter Co., mfgrs. Of suspenders, belts and novelties in Men’s wear, Boston wrote to Sam, thanking him for his recent order, and advising that the two pair of Bull Dog suspenders were sent under separate cover [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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