June 20, 1905 Tuesday

June 20 Tuesday – Isabel Lyon’s journal: Tonight after dinner as Jean and I sat in the glow of the fire burning on the good big hearth in the living room, Mr. Clemens paced the room and told Jean the story of Japan and her change of government, about the Daimios and the Shogun and the almost spiritual power of the Mikado. The talk was brought about by Mr. Clemens speaking of the Chinese and Japanese working for such low wages that they cannot be admitted to this country for they would underwork and starve out Americans. It’s powerfully good talk.

He described the daimios and their princely retinues and the big “swells” of Japan [MTP TS 67]. Note: daimios were feudal lords who owned large amounts of land.

Ralph P. Buell wrote on Graham & L’Amoreaux Law Offices letterhead, NYC, to Sam. Upon his return to the city, Buell found Sam’s “very courteous note & enclosure” and thanked him “most earnestly for our kindness & to crave your pardon again for putting you to so much trouble” [MTP].

John Larkin wrote to report a meeting with Renwick. The work had been delayed due to Renwick’s need to consult with other parties who owned an interest and secure estimates. Renwick presented specifications for the work which were satisfactory [MTP].

Walter Pulitzer wrote to Sam [MTP]. Note: not found at MTP.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.