June 9, 1905 Friday

June 9 Friday – Isabel Lyon wrote for Sam to Robert E. Park, Secretary of the Congo Reform Association of America, in reference to John R. Gow’s June 6 inquiry. Some time ago Sam had instructed Harpers to forward “King Leopold’s Soliloquy” to them; he inquired on June 8 about the matter and they apologized that they’d been unable to find their address.

Isabel Lyon’s journal: This was the swamp day—Jean and I drove over to it and even our rubber boots didn’t keep us dry. I went over mine getting wild callas and Jean went over hers trying to find a red-winged black bird’s nest. It was so enchanting. When we came home we found Mr. Clemens curled up in the long wicker couch, with newspapers scattered over him and around him on the floor. Later we had music. It comes by inspiration, some days ever so much better than others. This evening more of the microbe story [MTP TS 64].

F.M. McIntire wrote from Vandergrift, Pa. to Sam, asking to use his name in selling a quilt for the purpose of raising $2,000 to finish and furnish the basement of the First Presbyterian Church there [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.