June 22, 1905 Thursday

June 22 Thursday – Isabel Lyon’s journal: Jean and I drove over to Marlboro and then trolleyed to Keene in the rain today. It was a nice trip—moist.

Mr. Clemens read more of that satire dwelling on the currency and he made a beautiful allusion to Katherine of Aragon. Dear, foolish, gentle, loving Katherine. Today Mr. Clemens talked about the Japanese battle front being 400 miles long. Grant’s was 1200 miles and Grant was the only General ever, who didn’t hold councils of war.

Mr. Clemens found a little notice in the English Review of Reviews that said Togo was graduated from Indianapolis. He sent the cutting to Norman Hapgood asking him if he had over looked that fact. Mention had been made of it at the St. Louis Exposition, in a speech, but the speech didn’t weigh so much then for Togo wasn’t the victor of the Battle of the Sea of Japan [MTP TS 67-68].

Henry J. Shields wrote on City of New York Law Dept. letterhead to ask Sam the date of his article in the NY Times, which exposed “the scandal connected with the office of The Seaman’s Exchange in New York City. Wm. R. Duncan was Shipping Commissioner at the time” [MTP].

June 22 ca. (on or after) – In Dublin, N.H. Isabel V. Lyon wrote a short note for Sam to Henry J. Shields: “article was written after moving into the Home in Hfd in 1874—but how long after Mr. Clemens cannot remember” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.