June 11, 1905 Sunday

June 11 Sunday – In Dublin, N.H. Sam wrote to daughter Clara in Norfolk, Conn. in care of Mrs. Bratenglier.

Clärchen dear, I’ve written 16 pages—12 is a day’s work—& it’s only 2.45 p.m. Yesterday I stopped at 3.15, with 14 pages scored—no, it was 15. On all previous days I have had myself called from work at 5 o’clock, but you see I’m getting through long before 5 now. I know when the day’s work is done, by the feel—then I stop, let the product be big or little. I am at page 240, now—all written here (since May 20, I suppose.) It beats the record. The best record before was in Florence—5 weeks, ending about the end of January—31,000 words. This is the same output (31,500 words) but the time is considerably shorter.

Dear heart, I am gladder of the spiritual peace which has come to you than I can ever tell you. I was a criminal towards your mother in that matter, & can never forgive myself, but for her sake —& yours & mine—I shall try to my very best never to treat you so.

Maybe we would go to bed with the chickens, too, if there were any; but there is not a domestic animal near this perfectly still place. There’s not a sound of any kind after the wild birds go to bed—oh, it is the divinest place!

Now I’ll go below. Goodbye, you dear rascal, & be happy! / Father [MTP].

Isabel Lyon’s Journal: “Mr. Clemens is reading Suetonius on the Caesars, finding it very interesting too. Today he said that he’d just been reading how Caesar’s mother came into possession of a serpent-like scar at the time of Caesar’s birth—“and after that she wouldn’t bathe in public—she was so darmn particular.” Oh, his comments! The poverty of me—not to remember them all [MTP TS 65; also Gribben 252 in part]. Note: Suetonius Tranquillus C. The Lives of the Twelve Caesars. Trans. In 1796 by Alexander Thomson; 1876 ed.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.