June 12, 1905 Monday

June 12 Monday – Isabel Lyon’s journal: After dinner tonight I spoke of one or two things mentioned in his brother’s manuscript, about how he, Mr. C., had shocked his mother by dancing the Schottisch until a late hour on board the boat of which he was pilot. He was taking his mother on a trip down to New Orleans. Then Mr. Clemens paced up and down the porch and told us how he had slept at the wheel that night, and waking suddenly he found himself in a part of the river that he didn’t know—and he was in a shute that was full of snags and he’d have a struggle to pull that boat out and not kill her. But he did it, and didn’t ring a bell, either [MTP TS 65]. Note: see Mar. 18, 1861 entry; Sam took his mother and sister Pamela on the Alonzo Child to St. Louis and then on to New Orleans on Mar. 26, leaving there on Mar. 28, 1861.

Isabel Lyon’s journal # 2: “Mr. Clemens is revising the microbe MS” [MTP TS 21].

Samuel J. Elder of Elder & Whitman, Attorneys, Boston, wrote to Sam. “I have taken the liberty to have the publishers send you a copy of the Yale Law Journal containing my article on ‘Duration of Copyright’” [MTP].

Robert L. Fulton wrote to Sam, disappointed he wouldn’t be coming to Nevada but Sam’s letter had given his people pleasure. “I have taken the liberty of sending you a small book in which I spoke of the Nevada Pioneers and pioneer conditions” [MTP]. Note: the book is not specified; not in Gribben.

Willis F. Johnson for Men of Mark wrote to Sam, enclosing an eight-page questionnaire from which they wished to publish an article in Men of Mark in New York. The material was not used [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.