February 1909

February – In Redding, Conn. Sam wrote to Laura H. Frazer, childhood sweetheart. Dear Laura,

Who of this list, have passed away? You will not be able to tell me in all cases, but tell me those you know about.

In case of the dead, strike a thin line through the name, thus, John Garth (a line through) and leave the names of the living untouched. Then return the list to me. Can you do this for me? A good many on the list were schoolmates and playmates of yours and mine. If you can call to mind others, still living, please give me their names. It is lonesome. Miss Lyon is sick and there isn’t a guest in the house. However, Clara is bringing a lot tomorrow. Paine and Louise have sailed for Europe, to go over the ground traversed in ‘Innocents Abroad’ and make notes. It is Louise’s first venture from home, and she is the delightedest child I have seen in a hundred years.  

Affectionately, S. L. C.

The list: Bennie Blankenship, Danie Blankenship, Arch Fuqua, Bill Kaufman, Irving Ayres, Lub Ayres, George RoBards, Lora Dunlap, Line Dunlap, Jim Forman, Ruel Gridley, Jennie Brady, Margaret Kooneman, Samy Craig, Joe Craig, Nannie Owsley, Tom Collins, Mary Nash, Mary Miller, Theodore Eddy, Theodore Dawson, Clay RoBards, Ed Stevens, Lige Hawkins, Charley Buchanan, Sophia Hawkins, Ada McVeigh, Artemesia Briggs, John Brown, Riter Levering, John Garth, Helen Garth, John Briggs, John RoBards, Jimmy McDaniel, Alec, [sic] Lacy, Mary Lacy, Heney Meredith, Laura Hawkins, Sara RoBards and sister, Mary Moss, Neal Moss, Ray Moss, Andy Fuqua, Kitty Shoot, John Shoot, Fanny Parey, Becky Parey, John Meredith, Will Bowen, Sam Bowen, Mary Bowen Green, Sam Nash, Bill Nash, Bill Pitts, William T. League, David Garth, Ed Pierce, Roberta Jones, Big Joe Buchanan, Mrs. Horr, Miss Horr, Miss Terry, Miss Newcomb, Sam Honeyman, Lavinia Honeyman, Tom Blankenship [Hannibal Evening Courier Post, Mar. 6, 1935 p. 3C]. Note: see Frazer’s Mar. 16 reply.

Sam also wrote to an unidentified publisher or bookseller asking for the second volume of IA in red cloth to be sent “right away” as he wanted it for “Payne” who was sailing soon [MTP]. Note: See Feb. 3 inscription to Louise Paine, which cinches this for Albert Bigelow Paine, who was going to Europe to retrace Sam’s travels in IA. Sam insisted on spelling it his way.

Albert I. Frye wrote to Sam [MTP]. Note: also dated Aug. 1908; see that entry.

Sara Lippman wrote to Sam thinking he’d misunderstood her request—of course she would send him one of his books for an autograph—she was not asking him to send a book [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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