December 1, 1905 Friday

December 1 Friday – At 21 Fifth Ave., N.Y. Sam wrote a short note to Marcella Sembrich, opera star. “Dear Madame Sembrich— / It was lovely of you to send me so eloquent & so beautiful aremembrance, & I thank you out of my heart” [MTP].

Sam also wrote to Will Larrymore Smedley in Chataqua-on-Chataqua, N.Y.: “To you, & to all my other known & unknown friends who have lightened the weight of my seventieth birthday with kind words & good wishes I offer my most grateful thanks, & beg leave to sign myself” [MTP].

Isabel Lyon replied to John F. McCabe’s Nov. 30 request for the lines on Susy’s headstone, which were often mistakenly ascribed to Sam: “Mr. Clemens is glad to send you the lines you have asked for. He directs me to tell you that they were written by a young Australian poet, Robert Richardson, and Mr. Clemens made an adaptation of them for the grave of his daughter” [New York Times, Apr. 30, 1910, “Views of Readers”].

Isabel Lyon’s Journal # 2: “Miss Clemens sings. 4:30 / Mr. Barbour. 9:30” [MTP TS 35].

Edward Everett Hale in Wash. D.C. on copyright matters wrote that he would be unable to attend the Dec. 5 dinner celebration of Sam’s 70th [MTP].

Paul S. Godbey in Jacksonville, Fla. sent a wooden! Florida Souvenir Post Card to Sam with congratulations [MTP].

Karl Peutl wrote congrats to Sam [MTP].

James A. Renwick wrote to receipt Sam for his check of $297.61 for Dec. rent [MTP].

Louise M. Sill for Harper & Brothers wrote to thank Sam for sending the story, “Eve’s Diary” [MTP].

W.H. Winsor sent a telegram from South Framingham, Mass. to congratulate Sam [MTP].

December 1 ca. – At 21 Fifth Ave., N.Y. Sam replied to L. Fosdick’s Nov. 29 query [MTP]. Note: The MTP catalogs this as “on or after 29 November.” Two days estimated postal time is allowed here.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.