December 12, 1905 Tuesday

December 12 Tuesday – At 21 Fifth Ave., N.Y. Sam wrote to Louis Windmüeller, treasurer Legal Aid Society.

I have known about The Legal Aid Society for some years, but it conducts its affairs so quietly and so unostentatiously that I did not know, until the other day, how extensive is the work it is doing. It stirs one’s blood and compels one’s deep homage to read the great figures! If New York could read them, do you think it could ever be said again that “the contributions fail to cover the ever-growing expenses”? I think not—I am sure not.

I found the figures in The Outlook; please let me quote the whole article: [article enclosed/quoted]

It will surprise no one that the President and Mrs. Roosevelt are interested in the Society’s work and are willing to make a long journey to help it along. Indeed, there is something so eloquent about those plain, unadorned statistics and the quoted incidents that it would not be in human nature for either the highest or the lowest in the land to read them and not be strongly moved to desire the privilege of sharing in the Society’s generous crusade in the behalf of the oppressed and the friendless. The Society will not need advertise “Haensel und Gretel”—at least to the people who have seen it; for so deep and satisfying is the chorus of that lovely masterpiece that whoso has been under its spell once will come again. There are enough of those to fill the house. I know this, for when I was there, there was but one vacant seat, and I was in it [MTP]. Note: enclosed, a cover and announcement for a “Special Performance” of Hansel and Gretel by the Conreid Metropolitan Opera Company for the benefit of the Legal Aid Society at the Metropolitan Opera House on Thursday evening, Mar. 15, 1906.

Isabel Lyon’s journal # 2: “Neighborhood Club, 9 Plu. / Mr. Eno. / Ives photographer at 1:30 will call here” [MTP TS 36].

M. Fairchild, age 80, wrote from St. Louis to Sam, congratulating him on reaching his 70 and giving his secrets for a long life [MTP]. Note: allow five days plus Sunday for delivery; see ca. Dec. 18 for Sam’s reply.

Paula Lorch (Mrs. Emil Lorch) wrote from Nurnberg, Bavaria asking if it were true that Sam was writing another book [MTP]. Note: Sam’s answer is cataloged as Dec. 29 to 31.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.