December 15, 1905 Friday

December 15 Friday – At 21 Fifth Ave., N.Y. Sam wrote a short note to Robert Bacon. “Dear Mr. Bacon: / I am expecting to send you the full report (in French) & an elaborate digest of it (English). By mail or by the hand of a delegation of our Association” [MTP].

Sam also sent a Dec. 6 form letter for the occasion of his 70 birthday to John D. Rhodes, US Court of Claims, Washington, D.C. Sam added: “Alas, they have shut Huck & Tom out from the youth’s department of the Brooklyn Blind Asylum library!” [MTP]. Note: postmarked this

Sam also wrote a two-page letter to an unnamed correspondent (now identified below) in Vienna. Sam recalled the “many pleasant months” spent in Vienna and the “many delightful people” there. He also gave the old leadman’s story once again to explain his nom de plume [MTP: Sotheby’s catalog Dec. 15, 1987, Item 56]. Note: this is likely a reply to Maurice Ernst, who wrote from Vienna on Dec. 4 [MTP].

Isabel Lyon’s journal: “Santa C. is ill—and must stay in her bed for days to come. 42 today.

Mr. Clemens is going to speak at a Benefit in which Sara Bernhardt is to play a tiny play—for the Russian Jews. Mr. Pollock came down to talk with Mr. Clemens about it, and they had a delightful chat. He told Mr. Clemens that his father, a learned man, had said that the legend runs in Germany that only 2 people of great prominence have “Herr” before their name: “God Almighty and Mark Twain.” [MTP TS 113-114]. Note: Channing Pollock (1880-1946), playwright and critic, then with the Lyric Theatre.

Isabel Lyon’s journal # 2: “Radiators noisy in Jean’s room, & in Miss Clemens’s little room” [MTP TS 37].

N.J. Bachelleur for N.H. Board of Agriculture wrote to Sam. “I have before me a Brooklyn Eagle interview with you in which, I am pleased to see, you say many kind things about New Hampshire. May I have your kind permission to use some parts of this interview in publications of this board?/ Yours… [MTP]. Note: Miss Lyon wrote in pencil: “Can use whatever he pleases. It was not an interview for any particular paper, but was delivered by the Harpers to a great many papers.”

William C. Dornin wrote from NYC to ask if it was too late to offer congratulations [MTP].

Eden E. Greville wrote from NYC to Sam, enclosing a card for the first meeting of the

American Playgivers; he hoped to see Sam there. No card is in the file [MTP].

Katharine I. Harrison wrote to Sam: “I deposited this morning for your account in the Guaranty Trust Company check for $150.00, being dividend on Borden’s Condensed Milk Company Preferred stock [MTHHR 605n1].

John Horner wrote from Belfast, Ireland enclosing a copy of Irene Iddesleigh (1897) by Mrs. Emanda M’Kittrick Ros [Gribben 589; MTP].

F.P. McNutt for the NY Telephone Co. wrote enclosing “a contract for additional telephone equipment recently requested” [MTP].

Abbott Handerson Thayer wrote to Sam.

“Have I embarrassed you by forcing you to share my first hour of frothing at the mouth after a contact with Bostonians. I should greatly regret that. I merely became wildly communicative and my heart looked round for some mother’s-arms…. As William James wrote me, it was their preoccupations leaving me out.” He also asked after Jean [MTP].

Dihdwo Twe wrote from Cushing Academy, Ashburnham, Mass. to Sam.

I have been planning for sometime to come to New York to see you and Dr. Lyman Abbott personally and privately about the condition in Congo today. I have visited Congo before coming to this country; and I have, after nearly twelve years’ effort, worked out a scheme which seems practical to me, and which, I believe, if taken up will create more public sentiment than anything that could be done. I think it is a good chance to come down this month because our vacation is unusually longer this year. I will, therefore, come down to talk the subject over with you and to see Dr. Abbott and others if possible.

You will hear from me as soon as I arrive [MTP]. Note: Sam’s reply is estimated at Dec. 18 to allow postal time plus Sunday.

December 15 ca. – At 21 Fifth Ave., N.Y. Sam replied to Louise A. Howland’s Dec. 8 letter and request for “an up to date photograph” [MTP]. Note: The MTP catalogs Sam’s reply as “on or after 8 Dec.” Seven days estimated postal time is allowed here, giving ca. Dec. 15. “We will sign a photo & send it.” Sam wrote her a paragraph on Dec. 19. See entry. 

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.