December 20 Wednesday

December 20 Wednesday – Isabel Lyon’s journal:

Ah, we saw Bernhardt in Camille today. The last act crowns everything I have ever seen. The death chatter of her poor jaw—Oh, terrible and so close to the grave. She goes beyond [Eleonora] Duse’s art in that play, in all but the gambling room scene. Mr. Clemens lunched with Mr. Howells today, and he dined with Mr. and Mrs. Cross this evening, and I flew over to see Saint Mother who is going home for Christmas. Santissima does not seem to improve any [MTP TS 115]. Note: the play was by Alexandre Dumas (1824-1895) of Musketeer fame, at the Lyric Theatre, 42 St. West of Broadway.

Isabel Lyon’s journal # 2: “Dinner at 8 with Mr. & Mrs. Cross to meet Miss May Sinclair / 6 Washington Square, N.” [MTP TS 37].

Francis Arthur Jones, N.Y. correspondent for the magazines and newspapers of George Newnes, Ltd., London, wrote Sam asking for “a few minutes any time convenient,” not to “inflict the burden of an ‘Interview’ but just to pay a little fifteen minute friendly visit.” On or just after this day Sam replied, “any forenoon at ten” [MTP].

Sarah Bernhardt sent a night telegram to Sam: “I have read your Joan d’arc it is an admirable work sincere full of life and personal. I finished it today and I will begin tomorrow to read the play happy Christmas Dear great Mark Twain / Sarah Bernhardt” [MTP].

Francis Arthur Jones, NY Correspondent wrote to ask if he might “come to see you for a few minutes at any time convenient to yourself?” He didn’t want to “inflict” an interview, “but just to pay a little fifteen minute friendly visit” [MTP]. Note: Clemens wrote on bottom “any forenoon at ten” Harper & Brothers wrote to advise Sam that they had placed his name on the gratis list [MTP].

Robert K. Mackey wrote to Sam asking if he would autograph Sam’s speech in a newspaper [MTP].

Henry R. Thayer wrote from Denver, Colo. to Sam asking about an article he’d read in Cosmopolitan several years ago, “Concerning the Jews,” which agreed with “a good deal” of his own sentiments. Thayer had an interest in Satan, mentioned in that old article, expecting to spend eternity with Satan. “Like yourself, I have friends in both places.” [MTP].

December 20 ca. – Sam answered John Irwin’s Dec. 17 question of where he might find a work out of print: “Haven’t any idea. Suppose with the Harpers…”[MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.