December 8, 1905 Friday

December 8 Friday – Louise A. Howland (Robert Howland’s widow) wrote from Sausalito, Calif. to Sam, congratulating him on his 70 , asking for an “up to date photograph” and recalling the old says when she “knew and claimed Mark Twain—as one of her best friends” [MTP]. Note: estimated here one week, or ca. Dec. 15 for Sam’s reply.

Isabel Lyon’s journal: “Today Mr. Clemens took me down to the Produce Exchange Safety Vaults and made me his deputy there” [MTP TS 112].

Benjamin Arthur wrote to congratulate Sam [MTP].

Mrs. M.G. Cooney wrote from Rochester, NY to congratulate Sam [MTP].

Helen Keller wrote to Sam. “Your birthday will always be a Thanksgiving Day to me” [MTP].

Henry Moffat, M.D. wrote from NYC to congratulate Sam [MTP].

Abe Newburger wrote from Chicago to congratulate Sam [MTP].

William Winter wrote to congratulate Sam [MTP].

December 8 ca. – Lyon replied for Sam to Lucy Page Whitehead [MTP]. Note: The MTP catalogs Sam’s reply as “on or after 6 Dec.” Two days estimated postal time is allowed here, giving ca. Dec. 8.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.