October 15, 1906 Monday

October 15 Monday – Isabel Lyon’s journal: “Jean, 8 a.m. / The King dictated today & I went over to Keene & dentistry” [MTP TS 136].

Clemens’ A.D. of this day included: Item from Susy’s biography about Sour Mash & the flies —Livy Clemens’ experiment for destroying the flies in the Hartford house—Soap-bubble item from Susy’s biography; Clemens’s comments—Clemens’ experience in learing to ride-high bicycle—Letters regarding his fiftieth birthday [MTP Autodict2].

Harry V. Snead wrote from Flushing, NY to ask Sam for his autograph. Snead’s grandfather was Capt. Walker R. Carter, who owned some Mississippi River steamborts, including the Robert E. Lee. His great grandfather was Henry M. Shreve, for whom Shrevesport was named [MTP].

Claudius B. Spencer wrote on Central Christian Advocate, Kansas City, Mo. letterhead to ask Sam when Hannibal ceased be his home [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the note, “Winter of ’52 or Spring of ‘53”

October 15 ca. – In Dublin, N.H. Sam replied to a (not extant) from Leigh Hunt at the St. Regis Hotel, N.Y.C. “I am ailing & must not venture out at night for the present, but I reach New York soon & will go and see you & T.P. & welcome you back” [MTP]. Note: possibly T.P. O’Connor.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.