October 18, 1906 Thursday

October 18 Thursday – Isabel Lyon’s journal:

Sack-Cloth & Ashes   will have a good home with a Mr. Fisher—a clerk in Mr. Allison’s shop. The dear little cats have been distraught for 2 days now, for they sense the coming of something.

I reached New York at 9 this evening, fetching along the cook & the waitress, Mary & Katherine, & AB met me at the station. Bless him! He cabbed the girls & then we climbed into one & he told me all the news as we drove down Fourth Avenue. At home I found the King in bed, & so darling. He has shifted into his study for a bedroom, for the old bedroom is to be made into a billiard room [MTP TS 137].

Howard C. Bronson wrote from NYC to see if he might “persuade” Sam to be a guest at a dinner at the Hotel Astor by the American Music Publishers Assoc. on Friday evening at 6:30 pm. for Mr. T.P. O’Connor [MTP].


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.