October 29, 1906 Monday

October 29 Monday – At 21 Fifth Ave, N.Y. Sam wrote to daughter Jean in Katonah, N.Y.  

I am so glad, Jean dear, that you are so pleased with Katonah; you will be sure to improve there. I caught cold at Tuxedo Park—I don’t know why or how, for I took many precautions, & even sat up in the club & sipped whisky punches & told lies until half past one in the morning. And yet, notwithstanding, I got a cold & had to stay over Sunday. But it’s gone now, I think. Katy went to the hospital with a cold, but she is home again & well. John Howells is to dine here this evening, & another gent tomorrow evening. And the billiards table arrives tomorrow, & I shall be very glad. I shall come out as soon as this cold is certainly gone—& on the first fine day, I hope, whether it is gone or not./ With lots and lots of love, / Father [MTP].

Isabel Lyon’s journal: The King came back this morning & has the seeds of a cold within him. He is still full of the Egyptian trip & has thought of Ashcroft as a companion and of Mr. Twichell. Mr. John Howells was here for dinner & later played mandolin. R.G. [Rodman Gilder] came in & capered; he always does until he sinks into seriousness.

J.H. is the most polished of young creatures, a pity he is so small & with a face like a Greek mask—which seems always to stand for culture [MTP TS 141].

I. Newbury wrote from the Portland Hotel, London to ask Sam when his book on Christian Science would appear? [MTP].


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.