November 8, 1906 Thursday

November 8 Thursday – At 21 Fifth Ave, N.Y. Sam wrote to daughter Jean.

It is a gray morning, Jean dear, and I have awakened prematurely.

I have been coughing only 8 or 9 days, yet I am already more than half tired of it. This is because it’s not sentimental or sympathetic, but is a dry bark like tan-bark. I do not go out of the house yet; I go down stairs, but not frequent

[segment about the Nov. 7 dinner party]

We find Robert a first rate butler. He makes a dinner go first-classfully. Miss Layongs gave me your telephone message and I was very glad to hear from you, and to know that you are still happy and doing well. I shall be sure to go and see you as soon as I get rid of my cough. And so with many hugs and kisses,  / I remain your loving Father [MTP].

A letter postmarked this date arrived in care of Sam for Thomas Bailey Aldrich. Sam wrote on the envelope: “Opened & read by mistake, but there is nothing improper in it. / Mark” [MTP]. Note: Aldrich was arriving for a visit; he was expected at a Nov. 8 dinner; see Oct. 26; Nov. 4, 7 entries.

Clemens’ A.D. of this day included: From Susy’s biography: Clemens thinks he will write no more books—Clemens’ inability to remember faces of friends—The exquisite faces and landscapes which his mind draws & paints when he is half asleep—He has not yet written himself out; prefers dictating—Mrs. Riggs recalls the episode of F. Hopkinson Smith selling the original MSS. at auction—The artists dinner for Hopkinson Smith [MTP Autodict2].

Isabel Lyon’s journal: “Mary the good little cook went away today. C.C.” [MTP TS 144].

John H. Johnston, jeweler, NYC wrote to Sam relating strange happenings about a small oil portrait tht he’d purchased of Mark Twain several years before. It seems that on three separate occasions three different dogs that came with their visiting owners, had howled and barked and growled in front of the painting. Johnston had no idea why the dogs did this but would loan the painting to Sam if he wished [MTP].

Henry Arthur Jones wrote on Hotel Marie Antoinette notepaper to invite Sam to dine with friends on Nov. 15 at 8 at the Saint Regis Hotel. After his signature Jones wrote, “I’d just written this when I received our kind invitation for tomorrow evening which I am delighted to accept” [MTP].

Governors and Officers of the National Arts Club sent an engraved invitation for this evening for the formal opening of the new Club House at 9 p.m. Charles de Kay’s card is with the invitation  [MTP]. Note: Fatout lists Sam as giving a speech at this event but offers no citation [MT Speaking 676].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.