November 30, 1906 Friday

November 30 Friday  – Sam’s 71 Birthday.

Gertrude Natkin sent a telegram to Sam. “Congratulations & best wishes with love and blots” (kisses) [MTAq 30]. Note: in her diary, Gertrude wrote: “I sent this telegram early in the morning. In the evening I sent Mr. Clemens my birthday gift which was a leather case. Soon after this Mr. Clemens went to Washington on business, that is to try to hve a copyright bill passed to have the rights of the published preserved fifty years after he is dead” [ibid.].

At 21 Fifth Ave, N.Y. Sam sent a telegram reply to Gertrude Natkin, 138 W. 98, N.Y.C. “the same to you and good health and happiness” [MTP].

Clemens’ A.D. of this day included: from Susy’s Biography, item about the ducks—Mr. Clemens tells of  his young ducks that had their feet chewed by snapping turtles—Billy Rice’s version of “There is a happy land,” and Mr. Clemens’s recollections of the first negro-minstrel shows [MTP Autodict2; MTE 110-118].

Dr. A.L. Benedict wrote from Buffalo, NY to Sam, noting that in “a published anecdote” Sam had claimed he was descended from “two or three of the judges who tried Charles I,” one of Benedict’s ancestors. If Sam had made a study of his Benedict “would be greatly obliged for information” [MTP]. Note: Sam did not answer, as witnessed by an unused stamped env. in the file.

John Larkin wrote to Sam heading the letter “Re Fentress Land Company” and including details about 1000 acres of the Tennessee land [MTP].


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.