November 13, 1906 Tuesday

November 13 Tuesday – At 21 Fifth Ave, N.Y. Sam wrote to daughter Jean , in Katonah, N.Y. “Jean dear, since I wrote the other day, conditions have not changed—at least for the better. They stopped me from playing billiards & I have been in bed ever since.” Sam then told of his “Stag dinner party” of Nov. 9, and of being tired on Nov. 10 from playing billiards until the wee hours, and of not going to Henry M. Alden’s dinner party celebrating his 70 . He was ordered to bed by Dr. Halsey. He finished with:

Dr. Halsey was here yesterday & said I must stay abed a day or two longer & continue the medicine.

Mr. Rogers stops in every morning & furnish[es] advice & abuse. Clara is to sing Thursday night, & Quintard is loading her up with medicine as a preparation. Clara’s manager wanted her to be photographed with me, for a littery person who wants to write an article, but she wouldn’t allow it. She told him she wouldn’t be publicly connected with me, but is going to stand or fall on her own merits. The Black Spider [Clara] is entirely right. Go on having good times, dear Jean [MTP].

J.W. Ballard wrote from Binghamton, NY to Sam. “Replying to your favor of the 12th. Would say further that we can afford to pay you $300.00 to $400.00 if you would come for the opening night of our Winter Chautaqua, and if you ever change your mind after you have said no, wish you would do so in this case” [MTP]. Note: on the letter by Lyon, “No. Mr. Clemens cannot consider it.”

Edward C. Haviland wrote from NYC to Sam soliciting his recommendation for a friend who was considering locating in Tarrytown, NY [MTP]. Note: Lyon wrote on the letter, “Tell him Mr. C never lived there.”

Minnie N. Hinds wrote to offer another treatement for Sam’s bronchitis [MTP]. Note: Lyon wrote on the letter: “Answd. Nov. 26”

November 13 ca. – In N.Y.C. Sam wrote instructions for Isabel V. Lyon to reply the Nov. 13 from Minnie N. Hinds. Thank her very much for kind thoughtfulness Try every thing that is recommended so will try this in its turn which wont come for some months as he is behind hand [MTP]. Note: source: between Nov. 13 and Nov. 26, 1906.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.