February 1, 1909 Monday

February 1 Monday - Mrs, Mary Stewart Gatter wrote from Newburgh, NY to ask Sam for a signed Photo to sell to the benefit of St. Luke's Hospital (MTP)

Winifred Holt for the NY Assoc. for the Blind wrote to thank Sam for the use of his name at their Bal de Tete [MTP]

New York Assoc. for the Blind wrote to Sam [MTP]

Robert Chapin Pepper for Gamma Delta Psi Alumni Assoc., Springfield, Mass. wrote to. Sam “wondering if there would be any possibilty of your being induced to address an audience in Springfield” [MTP].

‘Young Men’s Lincoln Club of Five Points, NYC wrote to ask Sam to send a “sentiment about Abrabam Lincoln” for their Third Anniversary Celebration {MTP}

Bridget W. Guinness (Mrs. Benjamin S, Guinness) wrote to invite Sam to dine on Thursday, Feb. 11 at 8:30. “Ir wd be so nice to see you agnin & I'm so glad you have not forgotten me ... White clothes please” [MTP Note file puts this as “before Feb. 3" and since the card is headed “Monday” itis placed on this day. The blue postcard ‘was not mailed 50 likely delivered,

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.