December 27, 1908 Sunday

December 27 Sunday – Sam’s new guestbook:

Name  Address  Date  Remarks

Billie Burke [signed]  Yonkers  Dec. 27 & 28, 1908  Lyceum Theatre

NoteSam wrote across all four columns under Burke’s signature entry:

Billie Burke, the young, the gifted, the beautiful, the charming, was the last guest to cross this threshold in 1908, thus she has a page to herself. By foresight, or by happy inspiration, the mat (in the text above), says, for her, “I cleanse thy shoes of travel’s weary dust.” The metaphor is correct. The magic of her personality clears the spirit of such as come within its influence, of nagging wearinesses & depressions. Her name is a pleasant one to close a pleasant year with.

Isabel Lyon’s journal:  Benar & I had such a gay little walk down to the Snugery together this afternoon. Around through the rooms of that blessed house we wandered & then sat down to talk of the King & of ourselves & the joy we find in living with him & in loving him. Billie Burke arrived this afternoon in her motor car. Sweet pretty charming creature that she is. We had a very late dinner. At 9 we sat down [MTP: IVL TS 88].

Margery H. Clinton wrote to thank Sam for the photo he sent as a Christmas card. Best wishes for 1909 [MTP].

Marion von Kendler wrote to Sam on a Jubilee picture postcard picturing various Habsburg rulers from Vienna, Austria, wishing him happy new year [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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