February 2, 1884 Saturday 

February 2 Saturday – Sam wrote from Hartford to William Dean HowellsGeorge W. Cable was at Sam’s house and down with the mumps. Sam expected Cable to get well in a “couple of weeks.” He related Mallory’s contact the night before at the play. Before Sam would make a decision about doing business with the Mallory brothers on the new Sellers play, he needed:

“…to see Mallory’s proposed actor play before talking any business about the farce,—so there is no sort of use in reading the MS to Mallory yet” [MTHL 2: 467].

Sam also telegraphed James B. Pond again in Cable’s behalf that he’d had “a bad night great suffering in his head the highest fever he has had yet and is weak this morning” [MTP].

Charles Warner came and Sam discussed “the copyright plan of campaign,” about HF, no doubt [Feb. 4 to Hutton, MTP].

Elton Fulmer for Nebraska State University wrote to ask questions for an oration he was to deliver on “The American Humorists and their productions” [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env., “A curiosity of cheek”

Edgar W. Howe for Atchison (Kansas) Globe wrote to send his book, mentioned next in Sam’s note, hoping that Sam would read it, being a Mo. story [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env., “Answered / Howe, author of ‘The Story of a Country Town.’” Clemens and Howells both would offer a testimonial for this book.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.