February 16, 1884 Saturday

February 16 Saturday – Sam and George W. Cable dined at the Union League Club with Clarence C. Buel, assistant editor of Century Magazine. They then took a carriage to see General Grant, who was asleep and did not see them. Sam intended to return to Grant’s on Monday, Feb. 18, about a show for relief of the Ohio River floods. The plan included Cable and Henry Ward Beecher providing the entertainment at the Academy of Music in New York City [Turner, MT & GWC 33-4]. Note: Beecher was unavailable.

Sam’s article, “The Carson Fossil-Footprints” ran in The San Franciscan [Camfield, bibliog.]. See Goodman’s Jan. 22, 1884 entry.

James B. Pond and George W. Cable wrote two separate letters in the same enclosure; Pond related that he met “the young man” (Cable) at the depot and that “he ate a tremendous dinner.” Cable sent blessings in a PS [MTP]. Note: Sam later would object to Cable skimping food on his own dime but gorging on others.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.