February 19, 1884 Tuesday

February 19 Tuesday – In Hartford Sam wrote to Laurence Hutton. He was unable to go to Washington to help with the copyright legislation lobby “but Warner is already there, for a few days, staying with Hawley.” Sam recommended Hutton write Howells, who Sam felt was “the man to go for Hay—pre-eminently.” Sam begged being too busy to write Howells [MTP].

Sometime later this day or the next, Sam and Susy Clemens went to Brooklyn with Twichell.

In Boston, Howells wrote to Sam, backing off somewhat over the issue of using Nat Goodwin in the new Sellers play. Goodwin had wanted to change the name of Sellers in the play; Howells had seen no sense in that but now was amenable. The fates seemed to be against the two playwrights, or, as Howells put it:

“We seem to be in the hands of Providence—and Raymond, who are probably strong enough to beat us. Why not have Webster let Raymond know that when he has failed with his new piece we are open to propositions?” [MTHL 2: 476].

Augustin Daly wrote to Sam, interested in seeing his play [TS] and do it if suitable [MTP].

Hubbard & Farmer bankers & brokers wrote to Sam [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.