February 14, 1884 Thursday

February 14 Thursday – William L. Hughes for A. Hennuyer wrote from Paris that Hennuyer was about to print his translation of TS; he wanted Sam’s “sanction” for TS & also HF; forwarded a copy of Helen’s Babies, a humorous novel by John Habberton (1876) which he said was in the style that the TS would be published [MTP].

February, latter half – Sam made two short trips to New York City during the last half of Feb. He wrote in his notebook to see “Dr. Knapp” and Augustin Daly [MTNJ 3: 46n105]. Sam’s letter of Feb. 18 to Howells states that he “just got home from New York, quite handsomely fagged out” [MTHL 2: 475]. This refers to the trip he made with Cable on Feb. 15 to 18 that follows.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.