March 27, 1889 Wednesday

March 27 Wednesday – In Hartford Sam wrote to Abraham G. Mills about his upcoming stay in New York and speech at the Baseball event at Delmonico’s. Sam answered that he would stay at the Murray Hill Hotel and so would

…my friend & neighbor, Rev. J.H. Twichell, chaplain to that Banquet. Just pay one of these hotel bills; Twichell’s, for instance. I know ways to beat him out of it before he gets home [MTP].

Sam’s notebook:

Mch 27/89. Wrote Laffan, offering 5 one-hundredths (one ninth of my ownership in American business, or one-eighteenth of the whole) at $100,000 cash (less $10,000 commission to him) payable upon view of the machine in Hartford — purchaser to be satisfied, or no trade. Or, one, or two, or three of the 5 at $25,000 cash each, payable as above, & commission 10 per cent [3: 468].

Reading in Volume 1 of The Poetic and Dramatic Works of Robert Browning, Sam recorded his progress along the margin on p.101: “stopped here Mch 27” [Gribben 105]. (See Mar. 20, Apr. 4)

Richard W. Gilder wrote that the Fellowcraft dinner was changed to Apr. 16 [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.