March 10, 1889 Sunday

March 10 Sunday – This was the day of deadlines — first for Abby Sage Richardson to come up with written proof she had procured Elsie Leslie for her P&P dramatization; second for Charley Langdon, his wife and his mother to agree to invest in the Paige typesetter. No one made this deadline.

Edmund C. Stedman wrote to Sam recommending C.C. Cox to take Sam’s photograph for use in Library of American Literature. Sam made an entry in his notebook to tell Stedman about photographs already taken by Dora Wheeler’s friend, Teddy Hewitt [MTNJ 3: 464n195].

Orion Clemens began a letter he finished on Mar. 11 (Gate City clippings enclosed, “The Gate’s Young Folks — “Short articles by Public School Pupils”; and a report of a murder-suicide in Kansas City). Orion thought the children’s articles would “entertain” Sam. “The bricklayers have commenced; also the plumber. The carpenters (two) and a paper-hanger ought to be here tomorrow” [MTP].

Lady Mary Labouchère sent Sam her calling card with a note, “Children’s Fairy Play…Thursday March 10th 4 o’clock” at the Villa Cristina, Montughi, Florence, Italy [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.