March 3, 1889 Sunday

March 3 Sunday – Frank Fuller wrote to Sam’s recent note (now lost, but referred to in notebook entry) announcing he would stop by on his next trip to New York. Fuller wrote, “All right, old boy! Come on, next time or the time after, only come, & no indefinite postponements.” Fuller invited Sam to opening night of a Charles Barnard comedy, The County Fair on Mar. 5. Since Sam had booked a reading in Pittsfield, Mass on May 6, so it’s unlikely he went with Fuller to this production [MTNJ 3: 452n152].

In Hartford Sam wrote to Elizabeth Keene Boyesen (Mrs. Hjalmar Boyesen) in New York, declining an invitation and taking a friendly dig at Howells, who, “other wise blemishless, goes & dines where his wife has never been invited!” [MTP]. Note: Howells had “discovered” Boyesen and was to be at a Mar. 14 dinner.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.