August 6, 1889 Tuesday

August 6 Tuesday – In Elmira Sam wrote to Francis de Winton (1835-1901), a friend of the Marquis of Lorne who later was appointed by King Leopold to take Sir Henry Stanley’s place in the Congo. He was a recognized authority of central Africa.

So it is you, after all! …Your note to Chatto came to me, & straightened out my tangles. May you & Lady de Winton be always fortunate, & leave with everybody the same impression which you left with me [MTP]. See May 28 & June 4, 1883 entries.

Orion Clemens wrote to Sam “delighted” with the increasing output on the Paige typesetter due to the “increasing skill of the boy” (Fred Whitmore). Other family and local happenings including a runaway pony which caused an accident to Dr. Jenkins and his children [MTP].

Webster & Co. wrote to Sam: “I enclose the Title-page as it will appear in your new book, unless you wish further changes. Do you wish to have it punctuated? In most of your books we believe, there is no punctuation on the Title-page.” Also mentioned was the suppression of a book by John Rose Troup in England, With Stanley’s Rear Guard, due to violation of an agreement signed by Stanley’s party not to publish an account of the expedition until the official account had been written [MTP]. Note: the book was published as With Stanley’s Rear Column in 1890.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.