August 10, 1889 Saturday

August 10 Saturday – In Cambridge, Mass. Howells answered Sam’s plea of Aug. 5:

You know it will be purely a pleasure to me to read your proofs. So far as the service I may be is concerned, that I gladly owe you for your many generous acts; and if I didn’t want to read the book for its own sake or your sake, I should still want to do it for Mrs. Clemens [MTHL 2: 609].

Sam’s notebook: [chk#] 4390. Mrs. S.A. Quarles, $10, Aug. 10 / Patrick $50, John $60, for August [3: 491]. Note: Patrick McAleer, the family coachman; John O’Neil, Hartford gardener.

Frederick J. Hall wrote to Sam: “We note what you say in your two favors of August 9th. Mr Beard brought in six or eight pictures yesterday and they were magnificent ones…I will see Mr. Johnson about the matter at once. Note what you say about Dawson. The best way would be to have him use our plates just as we make them…” Hall also passed on from Stedman a circular showing what was prepared for Vol. XI of LAL [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.