August 18, 1889 Sunday

August 18 Sunday – Sam’s notebook:

Elmira, Aug. 18/89. We have been here 2 months; in which time Brer W [Whitmore] has written me some 3 meagre notes about the machine. I wrote once & asked him to tell me anything there was to tell from time to time. No answer. Wrote him & asked him to keep Fred in practice [Fred Whitmore, son] while the machine is stopped. No answer. The mach. stopped Aug 2 — not a line from him to say why, or how much is to be done on it. Suppose it were a sick child of mine? Would he give me any news about it? I suppose it is merely my own disposition — to depend upon Davis or somebody else to do the thing & save you the trouble. How many times I have hopefully opened those envelops in the last 3 years & found not a scratch in them but checks to be signed for the damned household Expenses! [3: 511-12].

Mrs. T.P. McMurry wrote a “begging letter” from Colony, Mo. to Sam. She asked for help for her daughter go to school in Palmyra; her husband died 3 years before [MTP]. Note: this was the wife of Thomas “Pet” McMurray, an employee with Sam on Joseph Ament’s Missouri Courier in Hannibal in 1848. See June, 1848.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.