August 20, 1889 Tuesday

August 20 Tuesday – In Elmira Sam wrote to Frederick J. Hall confirming that the proofreader had to follow his punctuation “ABSOLUTELY.” Sam included the desired issue dates for CY in London, Canada and the U.S.: Dec. 6, 8 and 10, 1889 [MTLTP 255].

Sam also wrote to Franklin G. Whitmore about his son Fred’s output on the typesetter and a planned contest with the Courant, which was still typeset by hand. The contest had been postponed at least once. For Sam’s details about such a contest, see MTNJ 3: 507-9.

There is but one thing needful — & that is, that Fred shall set fast. Never mind about clean proof — that is a matter of absolutely no importance in the world. Let him put his whole energy on acquiring of speed. One of the virtues of the machine is, that a bad proof can be corrected [MTP].

Sam’s notebook: [chk#] 4395 & 6. Patrick 50 & John 60, Aug. 20. [3: 491]. (See Aug. 10 entry)

Robert Underwood Johnson for Century Magazine wrote to Sam: “You see we come to good terms & throw ourselves on the mercy of the Court! It is too late to recede from our arrangement — we’ve discarded other plans for this article. So ship back the proof and we’ll print five of Beard’s drawings and the thing will have a send-off under either title” [MTP]. Note: Johnson and Gilder, faced with Sam’s ultimatum to withdraw the CY excerpts, gave in on their objection to his title.

Mrs. L.A. Rice sent Mrs. Clemens a bill marked paid for a white dress for Susie for $10  [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.