March 7, 1896 Saturday

March 7 Saturday – In Jaipur (which Sam spelled “Jeypore”) Sam wrote to Mr. Acklom and A.J. Acklom, thanking them for two books and a poem sent. Sam divulged that Carlyle Smythe was still confined to his bed, so they didn’t know just when they’d move on [MTP].

Sam then wrote a second letter to Mr. Acklom.

Your telegram [not extant] came a little while ago — a thousand thanks for your thoughtful kindness. Clara was in better form yesterday evening, so we thought we could leave to-day; wherefore I saw the station master, yesterday evening, & he said he had your orders & a carriage would be ready for us. However before noon to-day I was sending him word of our postponement. For in the meantime Mr. Smythe had got into the doctor’s hands. It may be that he will be able to travel by to-morrow evening, in which case we will start.

Sam hoped they might see the Ackloms again, perhaps in Ajmeer [MTP].

As mentioned above, Sam also sent notice to Mr. Bickers, the station master, that they’d be unable to leave that evening and sent word “according to agreement” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.