March 9, 1896 Monday

March 9 Monday – In Jaipur Sam started and signed a letter taken down by Livy to an unidentified man, whose invitation had reached the Clemenses too late to accept. Sam explained there had been illness in his party but that they hoped to get to Lahore on Mar. 15 and leave there on Mar. 18. The invitation was evidently for accommodations.

If it is not too near the time of your leaving we might go to you until the 17th and then go to a hotel. On account of the heat it is about decided that my wife and daughter do not take the journey. In that case there would simply be Mr Smythe and me. / In a day or two when our plans are definitely made I will send you a telegram [MTP]. Note: This letter may be to Mr. Burnes of the Bank of Bengal, for this is where the Clemenses stayed, Livy and Clara included [Ahluwalia 19].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.