March 12, 1896 Thursday

March 12 Thursday – In Jaipur Sam wrote to Richard Watson Gilder to inform him of a book on Indian architecture being made available under Colonel Jacob’s supervision and funded by the Maharajah in Jaipur.

With a fine liberality the Maharajah proposes to give this costly book to public institutions, and my idea in writing this note is to convey the fact to our art-schools and universities in America. I quote:

“His Highness the Maharajah of Jeypore has given permission to present a set of the first six parts to any Public Institution that applies for it for bona fide public use, if the applicants defray the cost of carriage only and packing — Rs. 1-8.”

Sam gave the address in London where such institutions might apply [MTP]. Note: no other subjects comprised this letter, which Gilder published as “A Gift from India” in the Apr. 25, 1896 issue of The Critic [Gribben 355].

Livy finished her Mar. 10 letter to daughter Jean:

We think we shall sail from Bombay the 27th of this month. We shall probably sail from Colombo for South Africa about April 7th. If Papa had been well he would have delivered 30 lectures or more in India.

She also told about going to a museum before noon, where no men were allowed; the ladies were “brilliantly dressed” and were very curious about her, as she was about them [Ahluwalia 46].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.