March 30, 1896 Monday

March 30 Monday – The Clemens family was en route on the Wardha in the Bay of Bengal, headed for Colombo, Ceylon. The Wardha anchored in the bay at Madras, India at 8 p.m. [Budd, “Interviews” 69].

Livy wrote to her sister, Susan Crane.

During the last days I have been so full, full of thoughts of you all at home, Hartford places,….When, however, I think of the list of creditors, and the money yet to be paid, I feel that our going home and inhabiting our own house is far in the distance. Very, very far. You know I have a pretty good courage, but sometimes it comes over me like an overwhelming wave, that it is to be bitterness and disappointment to the end….Mr. Clemens has not as much as I wish he had; but, poor old darling, he has been pursued by colds and inabilities of various sorts. Then he is so impressed with the fact that he is sixty years old. Naturally I combat that idea all I can, trying to make him rejoice that he is not seventy.

I wonder if I wrote Charley in my letter the other day that the thing that kept us so long in Jeypore was the fact that Mr. Clemens had had for several weeks a pricking sensation in his left hand & arm, which made us rather anxious. We consulted the doctor in Jeypore. — he said Mr. Clemens required ten days rest. So we took it. Of course that lost him many lectures. In fact he only gave three after that. India was getting too hot for us to stay.

Livy estimated they’d only make about a thousand dollars from their India campaign, though they’d enjoyed every minute of it [Ahluwalia 46-7].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.