May 1906

May – Poultney Bigelow wrote a short note to Sam from Malden, N.Y.. “Bless you—best of Sublunary Benefactors—long years to you—full years—happy years for the sake of your fellow humans” [MTP].

Human Life published “Mark Twain—Dean of Our Humorists,” by William A. Graham, p. 1- 2. Tenney: “A popular, appreciative account, chiefly of the Hartford years. Mentions conversations with MT and hearing him speak at a Thanksgiving-Day dinner at the YMCA in 1888 o 1889” [“A Reference Guide Third Annual Supplement,” American Literary Realism, Autumn 1979 p. 190].

William Greenfield authored “A Playmate of Mark Twain’s, Who, as a Little Girl, Used to Make Mud-Pies with the Great Humorist,” in Human Life, p.22. Tenney: “An interview with Tabitha Quarles Greening (Mrs. J.W. Greening, of Palmyra, Missouri; she was the daughter of Jane Lampton Clemens’s sister Martha—MT called her ‘Puss’). She remembers MT as rather delicate in his youth, and full of pranks, and his brother Orion as absent-minded. She describes the Clemens family’s move to Hannibal: young Sam was left behind, making mud-pies, and was still occupied when her grandfather, Wharton Lampton, rode by a half-hour later and picked him up” [“A Reference Guide Third Annual Supplement,” American Literary Realism, Autumn 1979 p. 190; also Tenney 42].

Sometime in early May, before May 8, Gertrude Natkin replied to the (not extant) of Sam’s Apr. 28:

Oh, Mr. Clemens, I should just love to have an autographed photograph of you for my room. I have always wanted it but I thought you might think of it yourself. Mr. Clemens: if you only could realized how I love you. I cannot express it, but I suppose sending a few blots will help a little. / I hope you will love me just the same. You know I have taken away those two years long ago [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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