May 19, 1906 Saturday

May 19 Saturday – Isabel Lyon’s journal: “Orchestrelle put up today. / Mr. Paine & Miss Hobby are to arrive today” [MTP TS 72]. Note: the Aeolian Co. disassembled, shipped, and reassembled the Orchestrelle, from NY to Dublin, and returned it to NY after the season. The arrival of the biographer and stenographer on May 20 means Clemens did not dictate for his autobiography until Monday, May 21.

Roi Cooper Megrue wrote for Elisabeth Marbury to Sam, enclosing notices for “How I became Editor of an Agricultural Paper,” recently produced in Paris, and a “very great success” there. “Our Paris office requests me to ask you to give Mr. Timmory the liberty of using his own judgment for the publishing of this play in France” [MTP].

William Woodward Baldwin for the Plasmon Syndicate wrote to advise Sam of the annual meeting of the Plasmon Co. of America on May 22, 1906 at 12:30 in the afternoon. If Sam could not be present, Baldwin had his proxy and could act as his substitute if he wished [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.