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May 14 Monday – Carl Schurz, statesman, reformer, and Secretary of the Interior under Rutherford B. Hayes, died in N.Y.C.

At 21 Fifth Ave, N.Y. Sam sent his sympathies to the Carl Schurz family.

I beg the privilege of offering to the bereaved family a word of sympathy—deep & out of my heart. Words can convey nothing more at such a time—in them is no comfort. I am of those who loved Carl Schurz & revered him. In him I have lost a friend & guide, in him the nation has lost a noble citizen & most faithful servant. Not many go down to the grave mourned as he is mourned. With the deepest respect … [MTP].

Afterward, Sam and Isabel Lyon left New York bound for Dublin, N.H. to spend another summer. Their first stop was Boston, where Sam stayed with the Pearmain’s and Lyon stayed at the Lennox Hotel [IVL May 14 TS 70-71].

Isabel Lyon’s journal:

It was such a confused morning before we left for Boston. Mr. Bynner telephoned asking for a thousand words on Carl Schurz for McClure who died early this morning. Then other telephonings from Mr. Duneka for Carl S. message & Mr. Doubleday & Mr. Bynner again. Up & down I flitted while Mr. Clemens sat chatting with Mrs. Johnson [Teller] who came in to say goodbye. But we got started—I so tired & sodden & lifeless. The journey of 5 hours was easy & soft. Mr. Pearmain met us at the station, took Mr. Clemens home with him & left me at the Lennox Hotel [MTP TS 70-71]. Note: also, stuck into her 1908 Datebook: “Carl Schurz died today. Mr. Duneka telephoned asking for a message for Harpers from Mr. Clemens [MTP: IVL TS 8].

On May 31, Sam would write Charlotte Teller Johnson of their arrival: “Two hours after we reached Dublin Miss Lyon telegraphed Duneka: “Mr. Clemens decides not to attempt a Carl Schurz tribute.” An hour & a half later she telegraphed him: “The tribute is written—make room for 613 words” [MTP]. Note: the tribute ran in the May 26 issue of Harper’s Weekly as “Carl Schurz Pilot”.

Léon de Vesly, conservator for a museum in France wrote in French to Sam (enclosed in Clarke’s May 30) musée départemental                     Rouen, le 14 musée départemental    Rouen, May 14, 1906 Mai 1906             des            des      antiquités           de la seine inférieure Honoré Maître, au                 antiquités           de la seine inférieure

Honored Sir,

I have the honor to thank you for the issue of Harper’s Magazine which you have given to the Musée de la Tour Jeanne d’Arc in Rouen. I am particularly grateful to you for your manuscript which Mr. Clark translated beautifully for us yesterday.

   The manuscript and the book will from now on be shown in the showcases of the Museum where they will be admired by all who adore the great French heroine and who love their country. – Thank you again!

J’ai l’honneur de vous remercier du numéro de la Harper’s Magazine dont vous venez de faire don Musée de la Tour Jeanne d’Arc à Rouen. Je vous suis

Please accept, honored sir, the expression of my vivid recognition and my profound respect,

particulièrement reconnaissant de votre manuscrit don’t                                                                         M. Clarke nous a fait, hier, une belle traduction.

                         The director, Conservateur des Monuments historiques,                             De Vesly    Le manuscrit et le livre seront désormais déposés dans

To Mr. Mark Twain

les vitrines du Musée où ils feront l’admiration de tout                                        in New York (America) ceux qui ont le culte de la grande héroïne française et l’amour de leur Patrie. – Encore merci! Veuillez agréer, je vous prie,    Monsieur et honoré Maître         l’expression de ma vive reconnaissance,            Et de mon profond respect,                           Le Directeur,         Conservateur des Monuments historiques,                           De Vesly A Monsieur Mark Twain                                                 à New York (Amérique)

[MTP: translation and notes by Holger Kersten, 2012] Notes: Léon de Vesly (1844-1920), archaeologist and  professor of art and architecture. Biographical information on de Vesly in: Georges Dubosques “Léon De Vesly.” Revue Archéologique, Ciquième Série, Tome XIII (Janvier-Juin 1921). Paris: Editions Ernest Leroux, 1921: 139-141.

May 14 after – Sam wrote sympathies to Miss McMahon on the death of Carl Schurz [MTP: noted in Isabel Lyon file]. Note: MTP catalogs this as 1906 only. Schurz died on May 14, which places this note after.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.