May 20, 1906 Sunday

May 20 Sunday – On or after this date in Dublin, N.H., Sam replied to Roi Cooper Megrue’s May 19:

From your favor of May 19 I quote this sentence, to-wit: “Our Paris office requests me to ask you to give M . Timmory the liberty of using his own judgment for the publishing in France of r his dramatization of How I became Editor of an Agricultural paper.” I hereby accord to M . Timmory that liberty [MTP]. Note: Same day mail from N.Y. to Dublin was possible, but Sam’s reference to his “favor of May 19 rather than “today” suggests this reply was on May 20 or th” after.

Isabel Lyon’s journal: “Mr. Paine & Miss Hobby drove up this morning & I went with him over to the Raynor cottage with a view to renting it for the summer. Mother to come and chaperone Miss Hobby who is distressed over any lapse from propriety” [MTP TS 72].

May 20? Sunday – In Dublin, N.H. Sam wrote to William Dean Howells. [Fragment:] “I have such volumes and volumes of things that I want to say that I shan’t need any letters for many months to come, and so I don’t want the responsibility of having those letters sent here or anywhere” [MTHL 2: 807]. Note: Sam had asked for his old letters to jog his memory for A.D.’s See May 18 from Howells.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.