May 28, 1906 Monday

May 28 Monday – Clemens’ A.D. for the day: Clemens calls on General Ulysses Grant just as he is about to sign contract with Century Co. for publication of his Memoirs on 10% royalty.

Clemens dissuades him, and finally decides to publish them himself. Terms upon which they were published [MTP Autodict2].

Frank N. Doubleday for Doubleday, Page & Co. wrote to Sam.

Your letter of the twenty-third, and the paragraph this morning to be inserted after the Old Gentleman’s remarks about rats, are safely to hand. The book, I understand, is going on all right now, and will soon be in shape. I have read part of the proof I have with great interest. As philosophy it is unassailable. To me it is very interesting. / Thank you for your remarks about Dr. Van Dyke’s Little Masterpieces of Poetry [MTP].

Charles Burr Todd wrote from Redding, Conn. to Sam.

“I am about to issue a new edition of my History of Redding, which will have a chapter on the literary colony and portraits of R.W. Gilder, Albert Bigelow Paine, Ida M. Tarbell and others! As you have lately joined us should like yours if wholly agreeable.” Todd wished an electrotype photo of Twain for use and asked if Sam was ready to give his plans for Redding [MTP]. Note: enclosed is a sales flyer on A History of Redding (1905), and The Real Benedict Arnold also by Todd. Also The True Aaron Burr. His middle name being Burr, Todd may have been related to Aaron Burr.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.