November 21, 1908 Saturday

November 21 Saturday – In Redding, Conn. Sam inscribed a copy of Eve’s Diary to Mary Elizabeth Milner Harmsworth (Mrs. Alfred Harmsworth); Baroness Northcliffe; 1868- 1963): “To Lady Northcliffe with the compliments of the Author. / Adam at Eve’s Grave: / ‘Wheresoever she was, There was Eden’ (page 109)./ Nov 21/08” [MTP].  

Sam’s new guestbook:  

  Name Address Date Remarks

Commodore D. Dow, R.N.R. R.M.S. “Caronia” Nov. 21-24

Isabel Lyon’s journal: “Captain Dow is here again. The King is very, very tired” [MTP: IVL TS 80].

David H. Knott wrote for the Hotel Earle, NYC offering Sam a comfortable stay should he visit the City again [MTP]. Note: “Ans. Nov. 25 MLH”; and IVL: “Thanks for letter, but Mr. Clemens does not expect to spend any time now in NY except with friends”

J.J. McCabe wrote from Nova Scotia to ask for a “short article” for a magazine he was starting [MTP]. Note: “Ans. Nov. 30 MLH”

Lord Northcliffe (Alfred Harmsworth) wrote on Hotel St. Regis letterhead to thank Sam for his stay at Stormfield. “Your home is ideal in every respect. / I enclose a leading article from the Times, which looks like thought-reading on their part. It is almost exactly on the line of your conversation with me. If you would like to put your views into a letter, of a column or a column and a half, to the London Times I should be glad to forward it…”  [MTP].

Joe Twichell wrote to Sam, hearing that Clara would soon visit Hartford, and offering her “the best room in our house…and…in our hearts will be open to her the 29th inst.” [MTP].

Robert Witson 86 years old, wrote from Bridgeport, Conn. to tell Sam some of his history, including, “In 1850-51, I commanded a vessel between San Francisco and Honolulu” [MTP]. Note: “Ans. Dec. 7 MLH”

Saturday Evening Post ran an article by Brander Matthews, “American Humor,” with references to Mark Twain [Tenney 46: The Twainian (June, 1943)], also “A general discussion with relatively little on MT as a great humorist in a class with Moliere and Cervantes, with basic good humor and a strain of sadness” [Tenney, ALR Third Annual Supplement to the Reference Guide (Autumn, 1979) 192].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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