September 6, 1905 Wednesday

September 6 Wednesday – Ralph W. Ashcroft wrote Koy-Lo Co. letterhead to Sam, enclosing a letter from attorney Edward Lauterbach, who did not think Ashcroft had jeopardized himself in writing to Hammond. Ashcroft also enclosed a cartoon and a “want ad” from the NY Herald which he swore he had not placed [MTP].

Isabel Lyon’s journal: Mr. and Mrs. Pumpelly and Mrs. McKittrick dined here tonight. How beautiful Mrs. Pumpelly is. Mrs. McKittrick asked Mr. Clemens how he became interested in Joan of Arc and Mr. Clemens told how when he was a boy he was running along in the street and the wind blew a piece of newspaper across his path; he picked it up and found that it contained a short account of Joan’s imprisonment and of her treatment by the English soldiers and then his interest flashed into being and never died.

Today Prof. Alwood H. Hart and his wife called. [MTP TS 95]. Note: Mrs. Margaret McKittrick. Hart is not futher identified.

Frederick A. Duneka, “just back from … vacation” wrote to Sam: “We are keeping a sharp lookout for copyright renewals and have a regular system for doing that. / The biographical sketch you ask for will be sent at once. I will write you more fully in a few days about other matters” [MTP].

Rodman Gilder wrote to Isabel Lyon for Sam, explaining the content and length of the NY Sun interview with Sam on Russia (see article earlier in Phila. papers) [MTP].

Knickerbocker Publishing, NYC wrote to Sam, acknowledging the Aug. 29 from Lyon, “stating that you would send us the only sketch of your life that you have ever edited within the course of a few days” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.