September 29, 1905 Friday

September 29 Friday – In Dublin, N.H. Isabel V. Lyon wrote for Sam to Harper & Brothers, asking them to send the magazine to 21 Fifth Avenue in N.Y.C. instead of to Dublin, beginning with the Nov. issue [MTP].

Lyon also replied to Robert Underwood Johnson (incoming Sept. 21) that Sam would be unable to make a meeting of the Academy of Arts & Letters as he would not be in the city until about Nov. 7 [MTP].

Isabel Lyon’s journal:A lot of people, Mr. and Mrs. Henderson; Mrs. Stickney and Miss Stickney and Monsieur Umbert here for lunch and then Bill Green and her brother and their architect Mr. Savalliere we saw afterward. The talk was pretty good and except for old Mrs. Stickney, who is unattractive, with queer tiny eye teeth and hair that grows badly in the nape of her neck, they were an agreeable tableful.

Mr. Clemens had to stop his work at 1:15 when he was so unwilling to call a halt. Jean rode over to the Brushes’ and stayed to supper, so Mr. Clemens read me yesterday’s work and today’s in the beautiful Bullfight story. After he reads the manuscript, then he walks up and down the room and talks about it. The talk always goes on to other things. He has stretched the rugs along in a straight line, so that he can pace clear into the dining room on them, and not break the line of his thought by stepping on the bare floor [MTP TS 102-103].

W.F. Cook wrote from San Francisco enclosing a poem, “Tainted Gold.” [MTP].

A.M. Hopkins wrote on The Newspaper Enterprise Assoc. letterhead (Cleveland) to note Sam’s upcoming 70th , and to ask Sam “how a man feels when he looks back over that long journey, and if he still believes in laughter, humanity and holds his love for children” [MTP].

Charles H. Taylor for the Boston Globe sent a telegram to Sam, which noted the official peace announcement in the Russo-Japanese war, and solicited a sentiment on the subject [MTP].

September 29 ca. – In Dublin, N.H. Isabel V. Lyon wrote for Sam to Augustus P. Chamberlaine, answering his Sept. 28 note: “Mr. Clemens is not well enough or he would have gone, sends his warmest regards & the hope that he will see you yet” [MTP]. Note: MTP catalogs this as “on or after Sept. 28,” which is possible. One day estimated postal time isallowed here, however.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.