September 11, 1905 Monday

September 11 Monday – Isabel Lyon’s journal: Mr. and Mrs. Sumner, Mrs. Greene and Miss Greene dined here. Mr. Clemens wasn’t well. He is suffering from indigestion and he wasn’t himself and everything went wrong.

Jean went to look at the Upton house for another year.

I went with Miss Greene for a little drive up to Mr. Pumpelly’s wonderful height [MTP TS 96]. Isabel Lyon’s journal # 2: “Jean went to look at the Upton house with a view to taking it for next summer & she likes it” [MTP TS 27].

George B. Harvey wrote to Sam, “greatly interested in the plaster cast” (by Marr?) and had asked Duneka to “look after it.” He added that he had given Sam’s “letter regarding the Russian dinner” to Mr. [Sergei Yulyevich] Witte, who wanted to show it to the Czar and publish it. Harvey gave permission. He closed with “I don’t feel quite sure of the cartoon idea and fear that by the time we should get around to it people would be beginning to get bored by talk of Russians and Japanese” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.