September 10, 1905 Sunday

September 10 Sunday – Sam’s Sept. 5 note to George B. Harvey, explaining why he could not meet the Russian envoys (who had negotiated the Portsmouth Treaty) at a dinner at the Metropolitan Club last Thursday, Sept. 7 was published in the New York Times, p. 2, “Twain’s Tribute to Envoys.” See Sept. 5.

Isabel Lyon’s journal: His morning Mr. Clemens read aloud to me some more of the [his] Gospel.

This morning I went down and took a lot of photographs of Col. Higginson. I couldn’t get very good ones of the house, being too close to it. Col. Higginson took me into the house to show me a beautiful photograph of Carlyle, made years ago by Mrs. Cameron in London. It is wonderful and its companion was a head of Darwin so posed that the mighty brow stands out in majesty and the “simian look” of the man is not visible anywhere. Then he took me down the trail to show me his beautiful wood puckered logs [MTP TS 96].

Edith Comstock, daughter of Israel Comstock (who died in her infancy) wrote from S.F. to Sam. Her father had been with Clemens at the opening of the Cosmopolitan Hotel in S.F., and “some jest” of Isreal’s was turned into a newspaper article by Sam. Could he recall in detail the incident? Also, she had a first edition of Jumping Frog though not inscribed. Could he send her an autographed photo? [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.