September 21, 1905 Thursday

September 21 Thursday – In Dublin, N.H. Sam wrote to George B. Harvey

“Dear Colonel— / All right, bang away, go ahead. Yes it will be a ‘red-letter day,’ & a red-headed day, too, for Old Age will take the scalp of Belated Youth that day—mine, to-wit” [MTP]. Note: likely a go-ahead for Harvey’s plans to honor Mark Twain’s 70th birthday.

Isabel Lyon’s journal: All the days are sprinkled with pin cushions. They’re pretty little creatures, and best of all they sell. Teresa calls them my boys. George MacDonald is dead at 83

Mr. Clemens worked for several hours on the new “Horse’s Tale” [MTP TS 101].

Robert Underwood Johnson for the National Institute of Arts wrote to advise and ask Sam to answer in an enclosed envelope “what time between October 15 and November 1” would be convenient for a meeting of the American Academy of Arts & Letters [MTP]. Note: Lyon answered for Clemens on Sept. 29.

September 21 ca. – Sam also wrote to George Iles, responding to his Sept. 19 letter.

My dear M . Iles. / We return to New York about the 7th of November & shall be glad to see you at my house 21 Fifth Avenue corner of 9 St. as soon thereafter as you can give me the pleasure of looking in on me.

But George Stephenson will not have to take a back seat; he will always sit in the front place earned by right [MTP]. Note: The MTP catalogs this as “on or after 19 Sept.” Two days estimated postal time is allowed here.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.