September 28, 1905 Thursday

September 28 Thursday – Sam’s essay: King Leopold’s Soliloquy: A Defense of His Congo Rule, was published as a pamphlet for the American branch of the Congo Reform Assoc. by The P.R. Warren Co., Boston. Budd: “At least three further printings followed soon afterward, and a ‘Second Edition,’ with additional supplementary material, was issued late in 1905 or early in 1906” [Collected 2: 1010]. Note: Hawkins points out that the pamphlet, by Twain’s suggestion, “contained several photographs of mutilated Congolese. The pamphlet sold for twenty-five cents, and Twain donated all proceeds to the C.R.A.” He also notes that in having Leopold blame “America and thirteen great European states” for the Congo’s fate, “Twain mistakenly assumed that the United States had officially signed the [Berlin] Act [of 1885 governing rule of Africa]; actually President Cleveland had withheld it from Senate ratification” [156-7].

Isabel Lyon’s journal # 2:

Gen. Grant Commandant at Fort Hamilton (?)

Bugle Calls, military tactics

Sale to Ladies’ Home Journal at 15 cents word. Their big circulation would be an advertisement.

Frederic Remington as an illustrator for the Indians.

Dan Beard is good for allegorical pictures.

Kemble. Good for “Shackels”

Frost. “can draw so well” [MTP TS 30].

Augustus P. Chamberlaine wrote from Concord, Mass. to Sam.

My dear Clemens: / I’ve had hoped to see you again, either at our NH Mountain cottage or at your own Dublin villa, and greatly regret that Fate has otherwise ruled. We are now at home, having barely survived the four weeks of continuous fog, rain and burial cold, and are trying to nurse our infirmities. Lorie bids me give you her warmest regards and good wishes, in the hope that you have not forgotten her. Let us cherish the hope of meeting you somewhere, / Sincerely yrs [MTP]. Note: Sam’s response through Lyon is estimated as ca. Sept. 29.

Marlen E. Pew of the Newspaper Enterprise Assoc., Cleveland, Ohio, wrote to Sam, noting his upcoming 70th and asking if he might submit to an interview by “our Mr. Fireman” [MTP]. Note: The MTP catalogs Sam’s response as “on or after 28 Sept..”

September 28 Thursday ca. – In Dublin, N.H. Isabel V. Lyon replied for Sam to Frederick A. Duneka, and his suggestion to use the new material for “Adam’s Diary” as an independent feature: “M . Clemens only thought the new Chap. of Adam’s Diary would be a good addition to Eve’s D. in the mag, but I don’t think it would be very effective published by itself in the mag.” [MTP]. Note: The MTP catalogs this as “on or after 26 Sept.” Though one-day mail from N.Y.C. to Dublin was possible, two days was more usual and allowed here.

Lyon also replied for Sam to Marlen E. Pew (incoming Sept. 28): “M . Clemens will be home about Nov 15. Will he kindly telephone M . Clemens. Will see if the matter can be arranged. Please keep Tel. number confidential” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.